Data acquisition with the AD7705 on the raspberry PI
AD7705settings Struct Reference

Contains all settings for the data acquisition. More...

#include <AD7705Comm.h>

Public Types

enum  SamplingRates { FS50HZ = 0, FS60HZ = 1, FS250HZ = 2, FS500HZ = 3 }
 Sampling rates.
enum  PGAGains {
  G1 = 0, G2 = 1, G4 = 2, G8 = 3,
  G16 = 4, G32 = 5, G64 = 6, G128 = 7
 Gains of the PGA.
enum  AIN { AIN1 = 0, AIN2 = 1 }
 Channel indices.
enum  Modes { Bipolar = 0, Unipolar = 1 }
 Unipolar or bipolar mode.

Public Attributes

std::string spiDevice = "/dev/spidev0.0"
 The SPI device in /dev used.
SamplingRates samplingRate = FS50HZ
 Sampling rate requested.
PGAGains pgaGain = G1
 Requested gain.
AIN channel = AIN1
 Requested input channel (0 or 1)
Modes mode = Unipolar
 Unipolar or biploar.

Detailed Description

Contains all settings for the data acquisition.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: