The signal is discrete whereas the resulting frequency
spectrum is considered as continuous (arbitrary signals).
- Analysis or direct transform:
- Synthesis or inverse transform:
note the range here. is the normalised frequency.
Figure 5:
Effect of sampling on the spectrum.
What effect has time domain sampling on the frequency spectrum2? Imagine we
have an analog spectrum from a continuous signal . We want
to know how the spectrum of the discrete signal looks like.
The signal is represented by so that
we can equate the Fourier transforms of the sampled spectrum and
of the analogue spectrum .
Obviously must be different to accommodate the different integration
ranges. The trick is now to divide the integral on the right hand side
of Eq. 41
into chunks to make it compatible to the range on the left hand
hand side.
Remember that the normalised frequency is which allows us
to change the integration to analogue frequency on both sides:
and now we divide the right hand side into chunks of which corresponds
to the integration range on the left hand side.
This gives us now an equation for the sampled spectrum:
This equation can now be interpreted. In order to get the sampled
spectrum we need to make copies of the analog spectrum
and place these copies at multiples of the sampling rate
(see Fig. 5). This illustrates also the
sampling theorem: if the bandwidth of the spectrum is wider
than then the copies of the analogue spectrum will overlap and
reconstruction would be impossible. This is called aliasing. Note that
it is not necessary bad that the spectrum of the analogue signal lies
within the range of the so called “base band”
. It
can also lie in another frequency range further up, for example
as long as the
bandwidth does not exceed . If it is placed further up
it will automatically show up in the baseband
is called “fold down”. This can be used for our purposes if we
want to down mix a signal.
Figure 6:
Mapping of frequencies in the analogue domain ()
and sampled domain (). is the sampling rate.
With the insight from these equations we can create
a plot of how analogue frequencies map onto sampled frequencies.
Fig 6 shows how the analogue frequencies
map on the normalised frequencies
As long as the analogue frequencies are below the mapping
is as usual as shown in Fig 6A.
Between and we have an inverse mapping:
an increase in analogue frequency causes a decrease in frequencies.
Then, from we have again an increase in frequencies starting
from DC. So,
in general if we keep a bandlimited signal within one of these
slopes (for example from
shown in Fig 6B) then we can
reproduce the signal.
This leads us to the generalised Nyquist theorem: if a bandpass
filtered signal has a bandwidth of then the minimum sampling
frequency is .
So far we have only sampled in the time domain. However, on
a digital computer the Fourier spectrum will always be a discrete
The discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is defined as:
where is the number of samples in both the time and frequency domain.
The inverse discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) is defined as:
Figure 7:
Effect of sampling in the frequency domain. The
inverse in the time domain contains repetitions of
the original signal.
What is the effect in the timedomain of this discretisation3? We start with
the continuous Fourier transform
and discretise it into N samples in the frequency domain:
Let's subdivide the sum into chunks of length :
We note the following:
- Ambiguity in the time domain
- The signal is repeated every N samples
Practically this repetition won't show up because
the number of samples is limited to in the inverse transform.
However, for operations which shift signals in the frequency domain
it is important to remember that we shift a periodic time series. If
we shift it out at the end of the array we will get it back at the
start of the array.
Figure 8:
Example of a DFT. The sampled signal is
converted to the spectrum . Both have samples.
Note the redundancy: the spectrum is mirrored around .
The first value is the DC value of the signal. However
this is the only sample which is not mirrored.
Fig. 8 shows an example of a DFT. It is important
to know that the spectrum is mirrored around . DC is represented
by and the Nyquist frequency is represented by
. The mirroring occurs because the input signal
is real. This is important if one wants to modify the
spectrum by hand, for example to eliminate 50Hz noise. One
needs to zero two elements of to zero. This is illustrated
in this python code:
import scipy as sp
# the sampling rate is 1kHz. We've got 2000 samples.
# midpoint at the ifft is 1000 which corresponds to 500Hz
# So, 100 corresponds to 50Hz
# and the mirror
This filters out the 50Hz hum from the signal with sampling rate
1000Hz. The signal yi should be real valued again or contain
only very small complex numbers due to numerical errors.
- Periodicity:
- Symmetry: if real:
This is important when manipulating by hand.
- Time Reversal:
- Circular convolution:
More useful equations are at Proakis and Manolakis (1996, pp.415).
Figure 9:
The effect of windowing on the DFT.
where is the input signal and represents a function
which is from to so that we have samples
from the signal .
To illustrate the effect of this finite sequence we introduce a sine
which has just two peaks in a proper
Fourier spectrum at and .
The spectrum of the rectangular window with the width is:
The resulting spectrum is then:
Because the spectrum of consists of just two delta functions
the spectrum contains the window spectrum twice at
and (see Fig. 9). This
is called leakage. Solutions to solve the leakage problem?
Use Windows with a narrower spectrum and with less ripples
(see FIR filters).
We can rewrite the DFT (Eq. 48) in a slightly more compact form:
with the constant:
The problem with the DFT is that it needs multiplications.
How can we reduce the number of multiplications?
Idea: Let's divide the DFT in an odd and an even sequence:
which gives us with the trick
because of the
definition Eq. 65.
and have both half the length of the original sequence and
need only multiplication, so in total
Basically by dividing the sequence in even and odd parts we can reduce
the number of multiplications by 2. Obviously, the next step is then
to subdivide the two sequences and even further
into something like
and .
Figure 10:
Illustration of the Fast Fourier Algorithm. The sequence
of samples is recursively divided into subsequences of odd and
even samples.
In general the recipe for the calculation of the FFT is:
is the phase factor in front of the odd sequence.
This is continued until we have only two point ()
DFTs (see Eq. 64):
A two point DFT operates only on two samples which can represent only
two frequencies: DC and the Nyquist frequency which makes the
calculation trivial. Eq. 72 is an averager and
Eq. 73 is basically a differentiator which gives the max output
for the sequence
. Fig. 10 illustrates
how to divide the initial sequence to arrive at 2 point DFTs. In other
words the calculation of the full DFT is done by first calculating
2 point DFTs and recombining the results with the help of
Eq. 71. This is sometimes called the “Butterfly”
algorithm because the data flow diagram can be drawn as a butterfly.
The number of complex multiplications reduces in this approach to which is actually the worst case scenario because many
usually turn out to be which are just sign
inversions or swaps of real and imaginary parts. A clever
implementation of this algorithm will be even faster.
In summary the idea behind the FFT algorithms is to divide the sequence
into subsequences. Here we have presented the most popular radix 2 algorithm.
The radix 4 is even more efficient and there are also algorithms
for divisions into prime numbers and other rather exotic divisions.
However, the main idea is always the same: subsample the data in a clever
way so that the final DFT becomes trivial.
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