Figure 14:
General idea of a filter and how to describe it:
either with its impulse response or with it's Laplace transforms.
Fig. 14 presents a causal filter as a black box in continuous time. We
send in a signal and and we get a signal out of it. The
operation of the filter is that of a convolution of the input
signal or a multiplication in the Laplace space:
- Impulse Response
The filter is fully characterised by its impulse response
- Transfer function
The Laplace transform of the impulse response is called
Transfer Function. With the argument we
get the frequency
response of the filter. What does the frequency response tell us about
the filter? The absolute value of the
gives us the amplitude or magnitude for every frequency
(compare the Fourier transform).
The angle of the term gives us the phase shift:
of the filter. In this context the group delay can
be defined as:
which is delay for a certain frequency . In many applications
this should be kept constant for all frequencies.
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